Definition that contains berm
- hamilton the capital of Bermuda
- rudderfish food and game fish around Bermuda and Florida; often follow ships
- atlantic standard time standard time in the 4th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 60th meridian; used in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and Bermuda and the Canadian Maritime Provinces
- hypericum hypericoides low shrubby plant having yellow flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; Bermuda and southeastern United States to West Indies and eastern Mexico
- bermuda cedar ornamental densely pyramidal juniper of Bermuda; fairly large for a juniper
- bermuda maidenhair delicate endemic Bermudian fern with creeping rootstock
- bermudian a native or inhabitant of Bermuda
- miniature pinscher small German version of a Doberman pinscher
- reef squirrelfish on reefs from Bermuda and Florida to northern South America
- holocentrus ascensionis bright red fish of West Indies and Bermuda