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Definitions of bottomless
  1. adjective
    extremely deep
    "a bottomless pit" "a bottomless lake"


  2. adjective
    having no apparent limits or bounds
    "a bottomless supply of money" "bottomless pockets"


  3. adjective
    unclothed especially below the waist or featuring such nudeness
    "bottomless dancers" "a bottomless bar"


  4. having no bottom
    "bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front"
Examples of bottomless
  • "a bottomless pit"
  • "a bottomless lake"
  • "a bottomless supply of money"
  • "bottomless pockets"
  • "bottomless dancers"
  • "a bottomless bar"
  • "bottomless pajamas consisting simply of a long top opening down the front"
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