Definition that contains cooler
- cool make cool or cooler
- chill make cool or cooler
- cooling the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature
- pike any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere
- chilling the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature
- inversion the layer of air near the earth is cooler than an overlying layer
- sunspot a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere; associated with a strong magnetic field
- macula a cooler darker spot appearing periodically on the sun's photosphere; associated with a strong magnetic field
- maxwell's demon an imaginary creature that controls a small hole in a partition that divides a chamber filled with gas into two parts and allows fast molecules to move in one direction and slow molecules to move in the other direction through the hole; this would result in one part of the container becoming warmer and the other cooler, thus decreasing entropy and violating the second law of thermodynamics
- coeloglossum terrestrial orchids of cooler parts of North America and Europe: satyr orchid