nounany tropical gymnosperm of the order Cycadales; having unbranched stems with a crown of fernlike leavestype of:
Definition that contains cycad
- frond compound leaf of a fern or palm or cycad
- genus dioon small genus of arborescent cycads of Mexico and Central America; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
- subdivision cycadophyta palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
- kaffir bread South African cycad; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food
- encephalartos caffer South African cycad; the farinaceous pith of the fruit used as food
- cordaites tall Paleozoic trees superficially resembling modern screw pines; structurally intermediate in some ways between cycads and conifers
- genus encephalartos genus of arborescent African cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
- order cordaitales extinct plants having tall arborescent trunks comparable to or more advanced than cycads; known from the Pennsylvanian period; probably extinct since the Mesozoic era
- genus ceratozamia small genus of Mexican cycads; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae
- pteridospermaphyta used in some classification systems: a group of extinct fossil gymnosperms coextensive with the order Cycadofilicales