Definition that contains dales
- cycadopsida palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
- family capparidaceae a dilleniid dicot family of the order Rhoeadales that includes: genera Capparis, Cleome, Crateva, and Polanisia
- bladdernut family a family of dicotyledonous plants of order Sapindales found mostly in the north temperate zone
- mayacaceae a monocotyledonous family of bog plants of order Xyridales
- staphylaceae a family of dicotyledonous plants of order Sapindales found mostly in the north temperate zone
- family mayacaceae a monocotyledonous family of bog plants of order Xyridales
- class cycadopsida palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
- dalesman a person who lives in the dales of northern England
- juncaginaceae a family of monocotyledonous bog herbs of order Naiadales
- family aceraceae a family of trees and shrubs of order Sapindales including the maples