nounany of numerous small songbirds with short stout bills adapted for crushing seedstype of:
Definition that contains finch
- weaver finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
- weaver finch finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
- spizella arborea finch common in winter in the northern U.S.
- white-crowned sparrow finch with black-and-white striped crown
- weaverbird finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
- tree sparrow finch common in winter in the northern U.S.
- zonotrichia leucophrys finch with black-and-white striped crown
- family fringillidae finches: goldfinches; bullfinches; chaffinches; siskins; canaries; cardinals; grosbeaks; crossbills; linnets; buntings
- crossbill finch with a bill whose tips cross when closed
- fringillidae finches: goldfinches; bullfinches; chaffinches; siskins; canaries; cardinals; grosbeaks; crossbills; linnets; buntings