nouna person of French descent
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nounany of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species
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nouna decorative loop of braid or cordtype of:
verbhunt frogs for food
Definition that contains frog
- order anura frogs, toads, tree toads
- salientia frogs, toads, tree toads
- family antennariidae frogfishes; tropical spiny-finned marine fishes having large nearly vertical mouths; related to toadfishes and anglers
- podargidae frogmouths
- genus hydrocharis frogbit
- order batrachia frogs, toads, tree toads
- cercopidae froghoppers or spittlebugs
- anura frogs, toads, tree toads
- hydrocharis frogbit
- order salientia frogs, toads, tree toads