Synonyms of grammatical construction
Antonyms of grammatical construction
Examples of grammatical construction
Usage of grammatical construction
Parts of grammatical construction
Definition that contains grammatical construction
Words sounding like grammatical construction
Explanation of grammatical construction
Definition that contains grammatical construction
- complement a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction
- constituent (grammar) a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction
- amphiboly an ambiguous grammatical construction; e.g., `they are flying planes' can mean either that someone is flying planes or that something is flying planes
- involution a long and intricate and complicated grammatical construction
- amphibology an ambiguous grammatical construction; e.g., `they are flying planes' can mean either that someone is flying planes or that something is flying planes
- grammatical constituent (grammar) a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction
- number agreement agreement in number between words in the same grammatical construction (e.g., between adjectives and the nouns they modify)