nouna town in northeast Missouri on the Mississippi River; boyhood home of Mark Twainpart of:
noungeneral who commanded the Carthaginian army in the second Punic War; crossed the Alps and defeated the Romans but was recalled to defend Carthage and was defeated (247-182 BC)
Definition that contains hannibal
- scipio Roman general who commanded the invasion of Carthage in the second Punic War and defeated Hannibal at Zama (circa 237-183 BC)
- cannae ancient city is southeastern Italy where Hannibal defeated the Romans in 216 BC
- zama the battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War
- livy Roman historian whose history of Rome filled 142 volumes (of which only 35 survive) including the earliest history of the war with Hannibal (59 BC to AD 17)
- gaius flaminius Roman statesman and general who built the Flaminian Way; died when he was defeated by Hannibal (died 217 BC)
- publius cornelius scipio Roman general who commanded the invasion of Carthage in the second Punic War and defeated Hannibal at Zama (circa 237-183 BC)
- scipio the elder Roman general who commanded the invasion of Carthage in the second Punic War and defeated Hannibal at Zama (circa 237-183 BC)
- battle of lake trasimenus a battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius
- lake trasimenus a battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius
- publius cornelius scipio africanus major Roman general who commanded the invasion of Carthage in the second Punic War and defeated Hannibal at Zama (circa 237-183 BC)