nouncomprising the lichens which grow symbiotically with algae; sometimes treated as an independent group more or less coordinate with algae and fungi
type of:
Definition that contains lichenes
- lichen any thallophytic plant of the division Lichenes; occur as crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks or rocks or bare ground etc.
- family lecanoraceae a fungus family of the division Lichenes
- lichenales category used especially in former classifications for organisms now constituting the division Lichenes
- family pertusariaceae a fungus family of division Lichenes
- order lichenales category used especially in former classifications for organisms now constituting the division Lichenes
- family roccellaceae a fungus family of division Lichenes
- pertusariaceae a fungus family of division Lichenes
- lecanoraceae a fungus family of the division Lichenes
- roccellaceae a fungus family of division Lichenes