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Definitions of lymph vessel
Definition that contains lymph vessel
  • plexus a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels
  • rete a network of intersecting blood vessels or intersecting nerves or intersecting lymph vessels
  • lymphangiogram an angiogram of the lymph nodes and lymph vessels made after the injection of a radiopaque substance
  • pachyderma thickening of the skin (usually unilateral on an extremity) caused by congenital enlargement of lymph vessel and lymph vessel obstruction
  • lymphangiography roentgenographic examination of lymph nodes and lymph vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces a lymphangiogram
  • angiology the branch of medical science that studies the blood and lymph vessels and their disorders
  • lymphangiectasia dilatation of a lymph vessel
  • lymphography roentgenographic examination of lymph nodes and lymph vessels after injection of a radiopaque contrast medium; produces a lymphangiogram
  • lymphangitis inflammation of a lymph vessel
  • lymphangiectasis dilatation of a lymph vessel
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