Definition that contains monosacch
- sugar an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain
- glucose a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms; an important source of physiological energy
- carbohydrate an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain
- glycoside a group of compounds derived from monosaccharides
- aldohexose a monosaccharide sugar having six carbon atoms and an aldehyde group
- disaccharidase an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of disaccharides into monosaccharides
- saccharide an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances; are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups they contain
- triose any monosaccharide sugar containing three atoms of carbon per molecule
- oligosaccharide any of the carbohydrates that yield only a few monosaccharide molecules on complete hydrolysis
- polyose any of a class of carbohydrates whose molecules contain chains of monosaccharide molecules