nounnonphotosynthetic fungi that resemble algae and that reproduce by forming oospores; sometimes classified as protoctists
type of:
Definition that contains oomycetes
- chytridiales simple aquatic fungi mostly saprophytic but some parasitic on higher plants or animals or fresh water fungi; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
- order blastocladiales fungi that carry out asexual reproduction by thick-walled resting spores that produce zoospores upon germination; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
- phycomycetes a large and probably unnatural group of fungi and funguslike organisms comprising the Mastigomycota (including the Oomycetes) and Zygomycota subdivisions of the division Eumycota; a category not used in all systems
- order chytridiales simple aquatic fungi mostly saprophytic but some parasitic on higher plants or animals or fresh water fungi; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
- blastocladiales fungi that carry out asexual reproduction by thick-walled resting spores that produce zoospores upon germination; sometimes placed in class Oomycetes
- phycomycetes group a large and probably unnatural group of fungi and funguslike organisms comprising the Mastigomycota (including the Oomycetes) and Zygomycota subdivisions of the division Eumycota; a category not used in all systems