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Definitions of reserving
Definition that contains reserving
  • counter game equipment (as a piece of wood, plastic, or ivory) used for keeping a count or reserving a space in various card or board games
  • salvation a means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness
  • reservation the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)
  • reservation the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)
  • booking the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)
  • crabapple small sour apple; suitable for preserving
  • sc a permanent council of the United Nations; responsible for preserving world peace
  • catechu extract of the heartwood of Acacia catechu used for dyeing and tanning and preserving fishnets and sails; formerly used medicinally
  • costusroot annual herb of the eastern Himalayas (Kashmir) having purple florets and a fragrant root that yields a volatile oil used in perfumery and for preserving furs
  • thymol a colorless crystalline solid used in perfume or preserving biological specimens or in embalming or medically as a fungicide or antiseptic
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