adjectivefeeling worry or concern or insecurity
adjectivefilled with fear or apprehension
algophobic appalled apprehensive aquaphobic claustrophobic dismayed fearful frightened hangdog horrified horror-stricken horror-struck hunted hydrophobic mysophobic numb panic-stricken panic-struck panicked panicky scared shocked terrified terror-stricken terror-struck xenophobic acrophobic afeard afeared aghast agoraphobic alarmed unnerved white-lipped triskaidekaphobicOpposite: -
adjectivefilled with regret or concern; used often to soften an unpleasant statement
adjectivehaving feelings of aversion or unwillingness
Synonyms & Similar Words
scared concerned frightened shocked terrified numb panicked hunted cowardly fearful alarmed timid horrified claustrophobic appalled apprehensive panicky dismayed unnerved agoraphobic xenophobic aghast disinclined afeard hangdog afeared algophobic aquaphobic horror-stricken horror-struck hydrophobic mysophobic panic-stricken panic-struck terror-stricken terror-struck acrophobic white-lipped triskaidekaphobic