verbcall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
verbsummon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
verbstop sleepingtype of:
verbto begin moving
type of: -
verbcause to become awake or conscious
verbcause to be alert and energetictype of:
verbstimulate sexually
Synonyms & Similar Words
make call move turn damn change hurt fire sex wake upset raise interest shame heat create draw shake bless invite awake anger curse wound prick affect repair overcome spite stir offend alter provoke brace summon awaken bruise revive tempt stimulate recreate excite overtake ignite injure conjure invoke modify renovate overpower liven rouse overwhelm waken evoke arousal animate kindle energise rekindle elicit inflame reanimate quicken energize reawaken invigorate disconcert enkindle beshrew reinvigorate enliven ask for discomfit discompose fire up infatuate shake up stir up strike a chord sweep over touch a chord untune whelm bring up call down call forth conjure up put forward call up imprecate anathemize anathemise maledict bedamn come alive wake up change state bring to bring around bring back bring round arouser perk up revivify liven up vivify cathect turn on wind up