nouna person who lacks good judgment
verbfool or hoax
type of: -
nouna professional clown employed to entertain a king or nobleman in the Middle Ages
type of: -
verbspend frivolously and unwisely
nouna person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
verbindulge in horseplay
verbmake a fool or dupe of
Synonyms & Similar Words
play kid ass shoot simple joke mark waste victim fucker clown betray sucker goose jackass mug deceive wally twat cuckoo consume cod chump sap goof slang patsy bozo simpleton jest buffoon putz gull jester ware squander fathead dupe dissipate goofball delude zany fritter flibbertigibbet tomfool muggins foolery saphead cozen foolish woman meshuggeneh meshuggener morosoph befool put on put one across put one over take in lead astray pull the leg of motley fool merry andrew fool away fritter away frivol away fall guy soft touch arse around fool around horse around lead on