nounan electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current
type of:part of: -
nouna secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force
type of: -
nounthe action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with
type of: -
noun(medicine) the condition in which an organism can resist disease
nouna material's opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohmstype of:
nounany mechanical force that tends to retard or oppose motiontype of:
noungroup action in opposition to those in powertype of:
noun(psychiatry) an unwillingness to bring repressed feelings into conscious awarenesstype of:
nounthe capacity of an organism to defend itself against harmful environmental agentstype of:
nounthe degree of unresponsiveness of a disease-causing microorganism to antibiotics or other drugs (as in penicillin-resistant bacteria)type of:
nounthe military action of resisting the enemy's advancetype of:
Synonyms & Similar Words
action condition drag reaction underground status resist objection protest capacity opposition rebellion rubbing dispute immunity confrontation resistant friction capability ballast defiance insubordination dissent unwillingness lockout contravention rebelliousness maquis deadness resistor impedance electrical device barretter voltage divider variable resistor potential divider ballast resistor rheostat revolutionary group anti-takeover defense innate immunity immunogenicity acquired immunity natural immunity electric resistance electrical resistance ohmic resistance resistivity electrical phenomenon ohmage mechanical phenomenon retarding force acoustic impedance acoustic reactance acoustic resistance group action obstructionism sales resistance involuntariness unresponsiveness military action