nounsharpness of vision; the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart)
type of: -
nouna quick and penetrating intelligencetype of:
Definition that contains acuity
- stupid lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity
- slow slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- dumb slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- dull slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- dim slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- dense slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- obtuse slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- snellen chart display consisting of a printed card with letters and numbers in lines of decreasing size; used to test visual acuity
- 20/20 normal visual acuity, as measured by the ability to read charts at a distance of 20 feet
- snellen test a test of visual acuity using a Snellen chart