Definition that contains banda
- cast bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
- sling bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck
- tourniquet bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure
- roller bandage bandage consisting of a strip of sterile fabric (of variable width) rolled into a cylinder to facilitate application
- plaster bandage bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
- capeline bandage bandage that covers the head or an amputation stump like a cap
- scarf bandage bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck
- plaster cast bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal
- triangular bandage bandage to support an injured forearm; consisting of a wide triangular piece of cloth hanging from around the neck
- adhesive bandage bandage consisting of a medical dressing of plain absorbent gauze held in place by a plastic or fabric tape coated with adhesive