nounan endowed church office giving income to its holder
type of: -
verbendow with a benefice
Definition that contains benefice
- grace (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God
- devi Hindu mother goddess; supreme power in the universe; wife or embodiment of the female energy of Siva having both beneficent and malevolent forms or aspects
- beneficiary having or arising from a benefice
- pluralist a cleric who holds more than one benefice at a time
- pluralism the practice of one person holding more than one benefice at a time
- beneficence doing good; feeling beneficent
- theurgy white magic performed with the help of beneficent spirits (as formerly practiced by Neoplatonists)
- grace of god (Christian theology) the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God
- beneficed having a benefice
- advowson the right in English law of presenting a nominee to a vacant ecclesiastical benefice