nounany bird of the family Icteridae whose male is black or predominantly black
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nouncommon black European thrush
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Definition that contains blackbird
- grackle long-tailed American blackbird having iridescent black plumage
- cowbird North American blackbird that follows cattle and lays eggs in other birds' nests
- redwing North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings
- redwing North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings
- agelaius red-winged blackbirds
- agelaius phoeniceus North American blackbird with scarlet patches on the wings
- crow blackbird long-tailed American blackbird having iridescent black plumage
- euphagus carilonus North American blackbird whose bluish-black plumage is rusty-edged in the fall
- family icteridae American orioles; American blackbirds; bobolinks; meadowlarks
- genus agelaius red-winged blackbirds