nounthe act of restraining power or action or limiting excesstype of:
verbanger or take offense
nounheadgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control
verbput a bridle onOpposite:
verbrespond to the reins, as of horses
Definition that contains bridle
- pegasus (Greek mythology) the immortal winged horse that sprang from the blood of the slain Medusa; was tamed by Bellerophon with the help of a bridle given him by Athena; as the flying horse of the Muses it is a symbol of highflying imagination
- headpiece the band that is the part of a bridle that fits around a horse's head
- bridle put a bridle on
- cheekpiece either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece
- headstall the band that is the part of a bridle that fits around a horse's head
- noseband a strap that is the part of a bridle that goes over the animal's nose
- nosepiece a strap that is the part of a bridle that goes over the animal's nose
- unbridle remove the bridle from (a horse or mule)