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Definitions of celt
  1. noun
    a member of a European people who once occupied Britain and Spain and Gaul prior to Roman times


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Definition that contains celt
  • dylan Celtic god of the waves; son of Arianrhod
  • dana Celtic goddess who was the mother of the Tuatha De Danann; identified with the Welsh Don
  • angus Celtic god of love and beauty; patron deity of young men and women
  • danu Celtic goddess who was the mother of the Tuatha De Danann; identified with the Welsh Don
  • gwyn Celtic underworld god
  • morrigan Celtic war goddess
  • brigit Celtic goddess of fire and fertility and agriculture and household arts and wisdom; later associated with Saint Bridget
  • llyr Celtic deity who was the father of Manawydan; corresponds to Irish Lir
  • arawn Celtic deity who was the lord of Annwfn (the other world or the land of fairies)
  • angus og Celtic god of love and beauty; patron deity of young men and women
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