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Definitions of cloud
  1. verb
    make overcast or cloudy


    type of:
  2. noun
    a group of many things in the air or on the ground
    "clouds of blossoms" "it discharged a cloud of spores"


    type of:
  3. verb
    place under suspicion or cast doubt upon


  4. verb
    make less visible or unclear
    "The stars are obscured by the clouds"
    type of:
  5. verb
    colour with streaks or blotches of different shades


    type of:
  6. noun
    a cause of worry or gloom or trouble
    "the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French"
  7. noun
    any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
  8. noun
    a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude
    part of:
  9. verb
    billow up in the form of a cloud
    "The smoke clouded above the houses"
    type of:
  10. verb
    make gloomy or depressed
    "Their faces were clouded with sadness"
  11. verb
    make less clear
    "the stroke clouded memories of her youth"
    type of:
  12. verb
    make milky or dull
    "The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added"
    type of:
  13. noun
    out of touch with reality
    "his head was in the clouds"
    type of:
  14. noun
    suspicion affecting your reputation
    "after that mistake he was under a cloud"
    type of:
Definition that contains cloud
  • nebula cloudiness of the urine
  • smoggy clouded with a mixture of smoke and fog
  • haziness cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
  • haziness cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
  • mistiness cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
  • steaminess cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
  • vaporousness cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
  • vapourousness cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
  • cosmic dust clouds of particles or gases occurring throughout interstellar space
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