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Definitions of contentious
  1. adjective
    inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
    "a style described as abrasive and contentious"
  2. adjective
    involving or likely to cause controversy
    "a central and contentious element of the book"


Definition that contains contentious
  • argument a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • arguing a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • controversy a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • tilt a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • contention a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • contestation a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • combatively in a bellicose contentious manner
  • disputation a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
  • contentiousness an inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious
  • disceptation a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
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