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Definitions of counterbalance
  1. verb
    contrast with equal weight or force


  2. noun
    a weight that balances another weight
    type of:
  3. verb
    adjust for
  4. noun
    equality of distribution
  5. noun
    a compensating equivalent


    type of:
  6. verb
    oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions
    type of:
Definition that contains counterbalance
  • offset compensate for or counterbalance
  • counterweight constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to
  • tare (chemical analysis) a counterweight used in chemical analysis; consists of an empty container that counterbalances the weight of the container holding chemicals
  • counterpoise constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to
  • countervail compensate for or counterbalance
  • hedger someone who counterbalances one transaction (as a bet) against another in order to protect against loss
  • bascule a structure or device in which one end is counterbalanced by the other (on the principle of the seesaw)
  • counterpose constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to
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