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Definitions of cubist
  1. adjective
    relating to or characteristic of cubism
    "cubist art"


  2. noun
    an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism
    type of:
Definition that contains cubist
  • gris Spanish cubist painter (1887-1927)
  • braque French painter who led the cubist movement (1882-1963)
  • leger French painter who was an early cubist (1881-1955)
  • lipchitz United States sculptor (born in Lithuania) who pioneered cubist sculpture (1891-1973)
  • fernand leger French painter who was an early cubist (1881-1955)
  • georges braque French painter who led the cubist movement (1882-1963)
  • georges braque French painter who led the cubist movement (1882-1963)
  • jacques lipchitz United States sculptor (born in Lithuania) who pioneered cubist sculpture (1891-1973)
  • jaun gris Spanish cubist painter (1887-1927)
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