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Definitions of daffo
  1. noun
    a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria


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Definition that contains daffo
  • corona (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus flower
  • jonquil often used colloquially for any yellow daffodil
  • amaryllidaceae snowdrop; narcissus; daffodil; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae
  • amaryllis family snowdrop; narcissus; daffodil; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae
  • family amaryllidaceae snowdrop; narcissus; daffodil; in some classification systems considered a subfamily of the Liliaceae
  • narcissus papyraceus a daffodil having star-shaped white blossoms; often grown indoors to bloom in the winter
  • paper white a daffodil having star-shaped white blossoms; often grown indoors to bloom in the winter
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