nounany of various small free-living plant-parasitic roundwormstype of:
Definition that contains eelworm
- phylum nematoda unsegmented worms: roundworms; threadworms; eelworms
- anguillula aceti minute eelworm that feeds on organisms that cause fermentation in e.g. vinegar
- turbatrix aceti minute eelworm that feeds on organisms that cause fermentation in e.g. vinegar
- aschelminthes unsegmented worms: roundworms; threadworms; eelworms
- vinegar eel minute eelworm that feeds on organisms that cause fermentation in e.g. vinegar
- phylum aschelminthes unsegmented worms: roundworms; threadworms; eelworms
- vinegar worm minute eelworm that feeds on organisms that cause fermentation in e.g. vinegar
- nematoda unsegmented worms: roundworms; threadworms; eelworms