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Definitions of eyelike
  1. adjective
    suggesting an eye or eyes
    "eyelike markings on a butterfly's wings" "the eyelike gleam of two distant windows in the dark"


Definition that contains eyelike
  • eyed having an eye or eyes or eyelike feature especially as specified; often used in combination
  • eyeless lacking eyes or eyelike features
  • eyespot an eyelike marking (as on the wings of some butterflies); usually a spot of color inside a ring of another color
  • ocellus an eyelike marking (as on the wings of some butterflies); usually a spot of color inside a ring of another color
  • purple-eyed (of flowers) having a purple eyelike marking
  • automeris io large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing; the larvae have stinging spines
  • bird's-eye maple maple wood having a wavy grain with eyelike markings
  • io moth large yellow American moth having a large eyelike spot on each hind wing; the larvae have stinging spines
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