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Definitions of fauvism
  1. noun
    an art movement launched in 1905 whose work was characterized by bright and nonnatural colors and simple forms; influenced the expressionists
Definition that contains fauvism
  • matisse French painter and sculptor; leading figure of fauvism (1869-1954)
  • vlaminck French painter and exponent of fauvism (1876-1958)
  • derain French painter and exponent of fauvism (1880-1954)
  • fauve a member of a group of French painters who followed fauvism
  • andre derain French painter and exponent of fauvism (1880-1954)
  • fauvist a member of a group of French painters who followed fauvism
  • henri emile benoit matisse French painter and sculptor; leading figure of fauvism (1869-1954)
  • henri matisse French painter and sculptor; leading figure of fauvism (1869-1954)
  • henri emile benoit matisse French painter and sculptor; leading figure of fauvism (1869-1954)
  • henri matisse French painter and sculptor; leading figure of fauvism (1869-1954)
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