nounan outdoor device that supplies food for wild birds
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nouna machine that automatically provides a supply of some material
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nouna branch that flows into the main streamtype of:
nounsomeone who consumes food for nourishment
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nounan animal being fattened or suitable for fatteningtype of:
nounan animal that feeds on a particular source of food
Definition that contains feeder
- holothurian echinoderm having a flexible sausage-shaped body, tentacles surrounding the mouth and tube feet; free-living mud feeders
- american blight primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees
- eriosoma lanigerum primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees
- sea cucumber echinoderm having a flexible sausage-shaped body, tentacles surrounding the mouth and tube feet; free-living mud feeders
- woolly apple aphid primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees