nouna criminal who illegally sets fire to propertytype of:
nouna bomb that is designed to start fires; is most effective against flammable targets (such as fuel)
type of: -
adjectivearousing to action or rebellion
adjectivecapable of catching fire spontaneously or causing fires or burning readily
Definition that contains incendiary
- napalm gasoline jelled with aluminum soaps; highly incendiary liquid used in fire bombs and flamethrowers
- firebomb attack with incendiary bombs
- petrol bomb a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick
- gasoline bomb a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick
- molotov cocktail a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick