nounmuscles between the ribs; they contract during inspiration
type of: -
adjectivelocated or occurring between the ribs
Definition that contains intercostal
- musculophrenic vein veins that drain the upper abdominal wall and the lower intercostal spaces and the abdomen
- accessory hemiazygous vein a vein formed by the union of the 4th to 7th posterior intercostal veins; empties into the azygos vein
- intercostal artery several arteries and supplying the intercostal spaces of the rib cage
- vena hemiazygos accessoria a vein formed by the union of the 4th to 7th posterior intercostal veins; empties into the azygos vein
- arteria intercostalis several arteries and supplying the intercostal spaces of the rib cage
- intercostal vein several veins draining the intercostal spaces of the rib cage
- vena intercostalis several veins draining the intercostal spaces of the rib cage
- arteria musculophrenica an artery that supplies the abdomen and intercostal muscles
- musculophrenic artery an artery that supplies the abdomen and intercostal muscles
- accessory hemiazygos vein a vein formed by the union of the 4th to 7th posterior intercostal veins; empties into the azygos vein