nounUnited States diplomat and jurist who negotiated peace treaties with Britain and served as the first chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1745-1829)
nouncrested largely blue birdtype of:
Definition that contains jay
- jaybird common jay of eastern North America; bright blue with grey breast
- garrulus type genus of the Garrulinae: Old World jays
- genus garrulus type genus of the Garrulinae: Old World jays
- canada jay a jay of northern North America with black-capped head and no crest; noted for boldness in thievery
- subfamily garrulinae subfamily of the crow family: jays
- momot tropical American bird resembling a blue jay and having greenish and bluish plumage
- cyanocitta cristata common jay of eastern North America; bright blue with grey breast
- motmot tropical American bird resembling a blue jay and having greenish and bluish plumage
- perisoreus canadensis a jay of northern North America with black-capped head and no crest; noted for boldness in thievery
- garullus garullus fawn-colored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings