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Definitions of launching
  1. noun
    the act of propelling with force


  2. noun
    the act of beginning something new
  3. noun
    the act of moving a newly built vessel into the water for the first time
Definition that contains launching
  • shot the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination
  • countdown counting backward from an arbitrary number to indicate the time remaining before some event (such as launching a space vehicle)
  • guided subject to guidance or control especially after launching
  • launcher armament in the form of a device capable of launching a rocket
  • liftoff the initial ascent of a rocket from its launching pad
  • blastoff the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination
  • unguided not subject to guidance or control after launching
  • launching site a place for launching pads
  • moon shot the launching of a spacecraft to the moon
  • rifle grenade a grenade that is thrown from a launching device attached to the barrel of a rifle
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