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Definitions of monoxide
  1. noun
    an oxide containing just one atom of oxygen in the molecule
    type of:
Definition that contains monoxide
  • carbonyl a compound containing metal combined with carbon monoxide
  • afterdamp a toxic mixture of gases (including carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and nitrogen) after an explosion of firedamp in a mine
  • massicot the mineral form of lead monoxide; in the form of yellow powder it is used as a pigment
  • respire undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide
  • respire undergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide
  • air gas a gas made of carbon monoxide and hydrogen and nitrogen; made by passing air over hot coke
  • carbon monoxide poisoning a toxic condition that results from inhaling and absorbing carbon monoxide gas
  • catalytic converter a converter that uses a platinum-iridium catalyst to oxidize pollutants and carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and water; an antipollution device on an automotive exhaust system
  • formic acid a colorless pungent fuming vesicatory liquid acid HCOOH found naturally in ants and many plants or made catalytically from carbon monoxide and steam; used in finishing textiles and paper and in the manufacture of insecticides and fumigants
  • hyperbaric chamber a large chamber in which the oxygen pressure is above normal for the atmosphere; used in treating breathing disorders or carbon monoxide poisoning
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