nounthe central area of a churchtype of:part of:
Definition that contains nave
- choir the area occupied by singers; the part of the chancel between sanctuary and nave
- aisle part of a church divided laterally from the nave proper by rows of pillars or columns
- bellyband a cloth band that is worn around the waist (as on infants until the navel has healed)
- transept structure forming the transverse part of a cruciform church; crosses the nave at right angles
- paraumbilical vein small veins arising in skin around the navel; terminate as accessory portal veins
- vena paraumbilicalis small veins arising in skin around the navel; terminate as accessory portal veins
- narthex a vestibule leading to the nave of a church
- umbilicate depressed like a navel
- rood screen a screen in a church; separates the nave from the choir or chancel
- omphalocele protrusion of the intestine and omentum through a hernia in the abdominal wall near the navel; usually self correcting after birth