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Definitions of precedence
  1. noun
    status established in order of importance or urgency
    "...its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals"


    type of:
  2. noun
    the act of preceding in time or order or rank (as in a ceremony)


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  3. noun
    preceding in time
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Definition that contains precedence
  • better a superior person having claim to precedence
  • rank take precedence or surpass others in rank
  • outrank take precedence or surpass others in rank
  • displace take the place of or have precedence over
  • preempt take the place of or have precedence over
  • precedential having precedence (especially because of longer service)
  • infix notation a notation for forming mathematical expressions using parentheses and governed by rules of operator precedence; operators are dispersed among the operands
  • right of way the right of one vehicle or vessel to take precedence over another
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