nounany piece of work that is undertaken or attempted
type of: -
verbextend out or project in space
verbmake or work out a plan for; devisetype of:
verbput or send forth
nouna planned undertaking
verbimagine; conceive of; see in one's mindtype of:
verbpresent for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.
type of: -
verbregard as objective
verbthrow, send, or cast forward
verbcause to be heardtype of:
verbcommunicate vividlytype of:
verbdraw a projection oftype of:
verbproject on a screentype of:
verbtransfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into anothertype of:
Definition that contains project
- project project on a screen
- screen project onto a screen for viewing
- ammunition projectiles to be fired from a gun
- ammo projectiles to be fired from a gun
- intruding projecting inward
- silhouette project on a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette
- bastion projecting part of a rampart or other fortification
- cantilever project as a cantilever
- cantilever projecting horizontal beam fixed at one end only
- fetlock projection behind and above a horse's hoof