nounthe act of removing
type of: -
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Definition that contains removal
- thoracentesis removal of fluid from the chest by centesis for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
- dermabrasion removal of scars or tattoos by anesthetizing the skin surface and then sanding or scraping off some of the outer skin layer
- celiocentesis removal of fluid from the abdomen by centesis
- lumbar puncture removal by centesis of fluid from the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region of the spinal cord for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
- deaminization removal of the amino radical from an amino acid or other amino compound
- radical mastectomy removal of a breast and the underlying muscles (pectoralis major and pectoralis minor) and lymph nodes in the adjacent armpit
- decortication removal of the outer covering of an organ or part
- spinal puncture removal by centesis of fluid from the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region of the spinal cord for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
- transurethral resection of the prostate removal of significant amounts of prostate tissue (as in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia)
- deamination removal of the amino radical from an amino acid or other amino compound