Definition that contains rheumatic fever
- mitral stenosis obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
- saint vitus dance chorea occurring chiefly in children and associated with rheumatic fever
- mitral valve stenosis obstruction or narrowing of the mitral valve (as by scarring from rheumatic fever)
- st. vitus dance chorea occurring chiefly in children and associated with rheumatic fever
- rheumatic aortitis aortitis occurring in rheumatic fever
- sydenham's chorea chorea occurring chiefly in children and associated with rheumatic fever
- valvulitis inflammation of a valve (especially of a cardiac valve as a consequence of rheumatic fever)
- rheumatic heart disease heart disease caused by recurrent episodes of rheumatic fever; characterized by changes in the myocardium or scarring of the heart valves that reduce the power of the heart to pump blood