verbstrew or distribute over an area
type of: -
nounthe act of scattering
verbmove away from each other
verbto cause to separate and go in different directions
nouna haphazard distribution in all directions
type of: -
verbcause to separatetype of:
verbdistribute looselytype of:
verbsow by scattering
Definition that contains scatter
- break scatter or part
- spray scatter in a mass or jet of droplets
- dot scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
- stud scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
- sprinkle scatter with liquid; wet lightly
- backscatter scatter (radiation) by the atoms of the medium through which it passes
- sparge scatter with liquid; wet lightly
- topdress scatter manure or fertilizer over (land)
- constellate scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
- besprinkle scatter with liquid; wet lightly