Definition that contains seashore
- shell look for and collect shells by the seashore
- esplanade a long stretch of open level ground (paved or grassy) for walking beside the seashore
- clambake a cookout at the seashore where clams and fish and other foods are cooked--usually on heated stones covered with seaweed
- foreshore the part of the seashore between the highwater mark and the low-water mark
- shorebird any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries
- sublittoral of or relating to the region of the continental shelf (between the seashore and the edge of the continental shelf) or the marine organisms situated there
- acadia national park a national park in Maine showing marine erosion and glaciation; includes seashore and also the highest point on the Atlantic coast
- beach pea wild pea of seashores of north temperate zone having tough roots and purple flowers and useful as a sand binder
- black saltwort a small fleshy herb common along North American seashores and in brackish marshes having pink or white flowers
- cakile maritima salt-tolerant seashore annual grown for its fragrant rose or violet flowers and fleshy grey-green foliage