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Definitions of serenade
  1. noun
    a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed form


  2. noun
    a song characteristically played outside the house of a woman
    type of:
  3. verb
    sing and play for somebody
    "She was serenaded by her admirers"
    type of:
Definition that contains serenade
  • belling a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
  • shivaree a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
  • callithump a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
  • charivari a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
  • chivaree a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
  • callathump a noisy mock serenade (made by banging pans and kettles) to a newly married couple
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