nounsilverware eating utensils
type of: -
adjectiveexpressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
nouna trophy made of silver (or having the appearance of silver) that is usually awarded for winning second place in a competition
adjectiveof lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver
nouna soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography
type of: -
nouna light shade of grey
adjectivehaving the white lustrous sheen of silver
verbcoat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgamtype of:
nouncoins made of silvertype of:
adjectivemade from or largely consisting of silver
verbmake silver in color
verbturn silver
Definition that contains silver
- silver silverware eating utensils
- whitefish silvery herring-like freshwater food fish of cold lakes of the northern hemisphere
- silverfish silver-grey wingless insect found in houses feeding on book bindings and starched clothing
- flatware silverware eating utensils
- gambusia affinis silvery topminnow with rows of black spots of tropical North America and West Indies; important in mosquito control
- jupiter's beard silvery hairy European shrub with evergreen foliage and pale yellow flowers
- fundulus heteroclitus silver-and-black killifish of saltwater marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States
- sea trout silvery marine variety of brown trout that migrates to fresh water to spawn
- mugil curema silvery mullet of Atlantic and Pacific coasts
- crab-eating seal silvery grey Antarctic seal subsisting on crustaceans