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Definitions of sporozoa
  1. noun
    strictly parasitic protozoans that are usually immobile; includes plasmodia and coccidia and piroplasms and malaria parasites


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Definition that contains sporozoa
  • malaria an infective disease caused by sporozoan parasites that are transmitted through the bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito; marked by paroxysms of chills and fever
  • protozoa in some classifications considered a superphylum or a subkingdom; comprises flagellates; ciliates; sporozoans; amoebas; foraminifers
  • acnidosporidia a subclass of Sporozoa
  • telosporidia parasitic sporozoans that form spores containing one or more infective sporozoites
  • schizogony asexual reproduction by multiple fission; characteristic of many sporozoan protozoans
  • phylum protozoa in some classifications considered a superphylum or a subkingdom; comprises flagellates; ciliates; sporozoans; amoebas; foraminifers
  • sporozoite one of the minute active bodies into which sporozoans divide in one stage of their life cycle
  • subclass acnidosporidia a subclass of Sporozoa
  • merozoite a cell that arises from the asexual division of a parent sporozoan during its life cycle
  • trophozoite a sporozoan in the active feeding stage of its life cycle
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