verbgo, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way
type of: -
nounan aggregation or continuous network of urban communities
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nounan ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about
verbsit or lie with one's limbs spread out
Definition that contains sprawl
- black-eyed pea sprawling Old World annual cultivated especially in southern United States for food and forage and green manure
- clianthus formosus sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; widely distributed in dry parts of Australia
- sturt pea sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; widely distributed in dry parts of Australia
- lotus tetragonolobus sprawling European annual having a 4-winged edible pod
- cowpea plant sprawling Old World annual cultivated especially in southern United States for food and forage and green manure
- martynia sprawling annual or perennial herb of Central America and West Indies having creamy-white to red-purple bell-shaped flowers followed by unusual horned fruit
- clianthus speciosus sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; widely distributed in dry parts of Australia
- sturt's desert pea sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; widely distributed in dry parts of Australia
- winged pea sprawling European annual having a 4-winged edible pod
- vigna sinensis sprawling Old World annual cultivated especially in southern United States for food and forage and green manure