verbrise rapidly
nouna sudden forceful flow
verbrise and move, as in waves or billows
verbrise or move forward
nouna sudden or abrupt strong increase
nouna large sea wave
type of: -
verbrise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave
verbsee one's performance improvetype of:
Definition that contains surge
- curettage surgery to remove tissue or growths from a bodily cavity (as the uterus) by scraping with a curette
- microsurgery surgery using operating microscopes and miniaturized precision instruments to perform intricate procedures on very small structures
- reconstructive surgery surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue
- doctorfish surgeon fish of the West Indies
- family acanthuridae surgeonfishes
- electrosurgery surgery performed with electrical devices (as in electrocautery)
- acanthurus chirurgus surgeon fish of the West Indies
- anaplasty surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue
- doctor-fish surgeon fish of the West Indies
- plastic surgery surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of tissue